10 Days of Giveaways
Hoping everyone had a great weekend/is still having a good weekend! Here is Day 4 of the 10 Days of Giveaways.
Giveaway #4
Zones of Regulation Visuals. You can find them at the Free Store.
What is it?
The Zones of Regulation Visuals contain four posters each representing one of the four Zones of Regulation.
The Zones of Regulation (Kuypers, 2011) was created to help students learn to self-regulate one's body's needs and emotions. There are four coloured zones:
Blue - a low state of alertness (e.g. tired, bored)
Green - the ideal state of alertness (e.g. calm, happy)
Yellow - a heightened state of alertness (e.g. excited, silly)
Red - an extremely heightened state of alertness (e.g. anger, panic)
Ideally, we want students to recognize when they are in each zone. Additionally, we want students to learn how to use strategies to change or stay in the zone they are in. Everyone (including teachers) experiences all of the different zones. Because a student is NOT in the green zone, doesn't mean the child is to be punished or judged.
The Zones of Regulation work best when the whole school community is on board with using the Zones and its common language in all aspects of the day. It can get very confusing for students (and teachers) if some teachers are using the Mood Meter and others are using the Zones of Regulation. Pick one and keep it consistent throughout all parts of a school day. Encourage families to use this shared language at home with their child(ren), too.
How can I use them?
When students are participating in a physical education lesson, we want them to be alert and perhaps have a slightly heightened state of alertness. We all know that too much of a heightened state can lead to inattentiveness which can often lead to accidents and injuries.
In my class, I have the Zones posted on a whiteboard and students start their lesson by "checking-in" with how they are doing at that moment. They do this by placing a magnet underneath their zone. In this example (see left), most students are in the green, quite a few in the yellow, some in blue and one in the red. For this example, again it depends on the "feel" of the class when they enter and complete this task, but there are too many in yellow (overly excited, silly, etc.) which would likely require an activity to begin that calms the children down (e.g. breathing, yoga, etc.). For the child that put red, from my experience, it's likely this child isn't having a great day and I would be in close proximity to this child until I felt they were in a different zone. If this child is currently red, I've often found that this child doesn't it make it to class with the rest of their classmates and is with homeroom teacher using strategies to calm down. Ultimately, this activity gives you information quickly on the overall state of the class and you can plan accordingly for the lesson so that it best suits the needs of your class. You might even use this activity as an exit card to have students practice identifying what zone they are in and ask the students "why?" they currently identify with the selected zone.
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